Monday, 29 February 2016


Sellers Comments - A walnut letter box, possibly made in the first half of the last century, to a Victorian design popular with many country hotels or grand country houses. This is a very well made, substantial item in the style of a Victorian street pillar box. The carved pagoda top has a central finial and decorative beaded edge. Below this is an engraved brass letter box opening, a hinged door with 'piano-hinge' opened by key (included), a brass engraved information plaque and a drawer below for wax and seals. Height - 58cm Diameter - 24cm Letter Box Width - 7.3cm Drawer Width & Depth - 11cm, 14.5cm NB: The base of the post box is not dramatically lighter than the rest of the box - glare from the photo lights has given this impression.
Details - Additional Photos